Selasa, 05 November 2013

Half-Life 1

Half-Life 1


Gordon Freeman arrives late for work at 8:47 am in the Black Mesa Research Facility, using its tram system. He acquires his Hazardous Environment suit before proceeding to the test chamber of the Anomalous Materials Lab, to assist in an experiment. He is tasked with pushing a non-standard specimen into the scanning beam of the Anti-Mass Spectrometer for analysis. However this creates a sudden catastrophe called a "resonance cascade", opening a portal between Earth and a dimension called Xen Freeman is sporadically teleported there and catches glimpses of various alien lifeforms, including a circle of Vortigaunts, shortly before blacking out.Freeman awakens in the ruined test chamber and surveys the destroyed lab, strewn with the bodies of scientists and security personnel. Finding survivors, Freeman learns that communication to the outside is completely cut and is encouraged to head to the surface for help because of his suit. His journey consists of sidestepping Black Mesa's structural damage and defending himself against hostile Xen creatures, such as the parasitic headcrab which attaches itself to a human host before enslaving it, suddenly teleporting into the area. Other survivors claim a rescue team has been dispatched, only to discover that the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit sent in is killing both the organisms and the employees there as part of a government cover-up.Freeman fights the Marines before reaching the surface of Black Mesa, where he learns that scientists from the Lambda Complex may have the means to resolve the problems created by the cascade. Gordon travels to the other end of the facility to assist them. However, Gordon encounters several hurdles throughout the facility, such as reactivating a rocket engine test facility to destroy a giant creature of three tentacles, using an aged railway system in order to get to and launch a crucial satellite rocket and fighting a group of Black Ops soldiers, before he is captured by Marines and dumped in a garbage compactor. Gordon escapes and makes his way to an older part of the facility where he discovers an extensive collection of specimens collected from Xen, long before the resonance cascade.Reaching the surface once more, Gordon finds a warzone. Despite calling for reinforcements, the Marines are being overwhelmed by the aliens. Scaling cliffs and navigating destroyed buildings, Gordon reaches safety underground. The Marines begin to pull out of Black Mesa and airstrikes begin. Meanwhile Gordon goes through underground water channels as aliens pick off the remaining Marines. He arrives at the Lambda Complex, where scientists developed the teleportation technology that allowed travel to Xen in the first place. After meeting the remaining personnel, Gordon is told the satellite he launched failed to reverse the effects of the resonance cascade because an immensely powerful being on the other side of the rift is keeping it open. Gordon must therefore kill this being to stop the Xenian invasion and the scientists activate the teleporter to send Gordon to Xen.Entering the borderworld Xen, Gordon encounters organisms that had been brought into Black Mesa, as well as the remains of HEV-wearing researchers that came before him. He fights his way through Gonarch, the huge egg laying headcrab, an alien camp and arrives at a massive alien factory, which is creating the Alien Grunt soldiers. After fighting his way through levitating creatures, he finds a giant portal and enters it. In a vast cave, Gordon confronts the Nihilanth, the entity maintaining the rift, and destroys it. The Nihilanth dies in an explosion, knocking Gordon unconscious.Freeman awakens, stripped of his gear, to the G-Man, who has been watching over Gordon throughout. The G-Man praises Freeman's actions in Xen. He explains that his "employers", believing that Freeman has potential, have authorized him to offer Freeman a job. Should he refuse this offer, he will be given a battle that he has no chance of winning. When Gordon accepts, he is placed into stasis and congratulated by the G-Man.

System Requirements:

CPU:133 MHz Intel Pentium Processor or better

RAM:24 MB of RAM

VGA:8MB video card

OS:Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows NT 4.0, or higher

HDD:400 MB

Sound:Windows-compatible sound device

Resolution:640x480 SVGA high color (16-bit)


Network:Internet Connection


Link :

Half-Life 1 : 1 - 2

Half-Life HD Pack : Super Definition Pack - Overhaul Pack

Half-Life Opposing Force : HL-OF

Half-Life Blue Shift : HL-BS

note : half-life opposing force and half-life blue shift is expansion pack for half-life 1

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